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How do I delete my account?
- Go to your account settings.
- Look for the “Delete my Indie Birds account” button.
- Click on the button to initiate the account deletion process.
Please note the following important information:
- Account deletion is irreversible, so make sure you double-check before proceeding.
- Deleting your Indie Birds account will remove you as a backer from any projects you have previously supported and delete your entire backed projects history.
- Creators will no longer be able to send you updates about projects, and they won’t have access to the information necessary to ship any rewards you may be waiting for.
What account deletion does NOT do:
- Automatically hide or delete any project you have created on Indie Birds. Contact our Support team for inquiries about hiding or deleting a project, but please note that not all requests can be accommodated.
- Remove your name, comments, or updates from any project you have created on Indie Birds.
- Delete all of your information. Certain information may be retained as required by law or for necessary business purposes.
What account deletion does:
- Deletes the email address and password associated with your account (cryptographically hashed) used for signing in.
- Removes your profile.
- Removes your name as a backer from all successful projects you have supported, making it likely impossible for creators to send you rewards.
- Stops all notifications to your email address.
- Cancels any projects you have started but not launched.
- Cancels your pledges to any live projects.
- Removes your name from comments on projects and project updates (except for your own projects).
- Cancels all Drip subscriptions, resulting in loss of access to subscriber-only content.
Before deleting your account, it is recommended to take the following actions:
- Make sure to cancel any pledges you have made to live projects. Note that you cannot cancel a pledge if a project has already ended.
- If there are projects still being fulfilled, reach out to the creator to coordinate off-site communication. Deleting your account will remove your name as a backer, and the creator will no longer have access to your information.
- Download a copy of your Indie Birds data. Instructions on how to do this can be found here. This downloaded information will include all your pledge details, which may be useful in the future.